Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

I wish all my followers happy new year 2012.

Here is my list of all themes that I'm gone give you some tutorials about this year.
  1. HTML5, Javascript
  2. Eclipse + Java (Swing)
  3. NetBeans + JavaFX
  4. Eclipse RCP (JFace, SWT), Spring
  5. SVG, Latex, Flash, Photoshop, and more to come...
I hope that I will bring you all of this stuff before the end of the world (presumably the world will end on Friday, 21.12.2012) ;) But don't be afraid, because everything that is happening happen again! We will never die in the sense of the word. The universe is recursive!

Enjoy these two videos to remember 2011 and those who died for liberty, dignity and Freedom.

We will have you in memory even we don't know your names.

These two videos are dedicated to them!

Watch the second video by changing your IP-Adresse, if it did not work.

By the way, I ended my study now!
So, I have a lot of time to spend on doing tutorials about anything even Archaeology :D So, don't hesitate to give some suggestions.

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