Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How to know your address ip in Windows?

There are many way in order to know your ip address. In this tutorial I will give you two methods to find your ip-address. Consequently, we will start with the simple way which is the most adequate one available in your system.

The windows command shell:

Goto → the windows start panel and type on the search field: "cmd" without the quotes.

The command shell will be displayed at the top of the panel as seen in the side figure.

Then, click on cmd to start the windows command shell.

Then after, type: nslookup localhost on the shell as seen in the bottom figure.
Windows Search bar

Windows command shell

If you are connected to a network you will get the router servername (seen in red color) and its ip address (seen in yellow color). Unless the default address of your localhost is printed out, which correspond to the ipv6 ::1

To understand more what the command: nslookup can do. Just type on your shell: nslookup /? where help information will be displayed in your system default language.

The whatismyipaddress-website:

IP Geolocation
In this method, you will get only a relative address ip related to your geographical location.

The relative address is issued by your provider of security reason. Usually, the website can only refer to public IP addresses.
Hint: Use this address if you already hide your ip-address in order to check whether your geographical location has changed.

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