Monday, December 26, 2011

How you make money with your blog?

First thing you have to do is to create your blog in Blogger and fill it with content. Then optionally, create a Google+ account and connect your Blogger account with your Google+ account (this will be explained in a future post). After that you can participate to the Google Adsense program where you can earn money via clicks that internautes usually do when they are in your blog.

Be careful when you subscribe to the Google Adsense program.

Most of the mistakes that people do when they sign in is that their blog has not sufficient content.
If you blog is not filled with important content and used by internautes your application could be refused like it happend to me just in the early beginning of my blog :(
So, just be sure that your blog is popular and filled with a lot of content when you subscribe to the Google Adsense progam. If your blog is satisfying then the Google employees will probably accept it, unless they will send you an mail telling you briefly the reason for that.

So, you will get a second chance afterward. So, don't wast it! Be careful when you resent your subscription!

For further information about GoogleAdsense+Blogger just watch this video.

If you don't wish to use Blogger for your blog or you have a website then just sign in the Google Adsense program. Click here to sign! Then you can do this the old way.

In all cases, you will have to wait for confirmation from Google in order for the ads (i.e. advertising) to be activated. Also, you have to copy the Google Adsense script code into your specified page that you want to integrate your ads within.

To subscribe to the Google Adsense channel just follow this link You will get more tips and tricks from the Google Adsense profis.

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